Donate / Legacy

Texas Wolfdog Project and Shelter Inc.

We are a 501(c)(3)exempt volunteer organization and all donations are tax deductible.
If you need to request a tax form contact us:

Donate Online

Don't have a PayPal account?

Use your credit card or bank account (where available).

Mail or call in your donation:


Texas Wolfdog Project
24874 Weeren Rd
Montgomery, TX 77316

Don’t forget!

Many companies have programs where they will match employee charitable contributions. If you need assistance or have questions for potential matching donations please email­­­

Other ways to donate:

Gift Cards to: 
McCoys, Tractor Supply, Lowes or Home Depot

Our Amazon wish list:

Shop in support of Texas Wolfdog Project
Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization; just remember to choose TWP!

Legacy Giving
Making a charitable contribution to Texas Wolfdog Project can be done in many ways. You can make an outright gift, a gift that pays income, or you may wish to include TWP in your estate plan.

The types of gift-planning possibilities include:

  • Retirement assets such as an IRA, 401K or pension plan naming Texas Wolfdog Project as a beneficiary
  • Stocks or bonds, such as securities or mutual funds
  • Real estate property, such as home, vacation property, vacant land or commercial property

Questions regarding legacy giving please email­­­

Directly support one our current residents through our sponsorship program.
Learn more

Learn more

References from other rescues for TWP can also be provided upon request.

Mail-In Donation Form

Thank you for your gift to Texas Wolfdog Project and Shelter Inc. Print and complete the form below and mail it with your donation:

Donation Form PDF

Texas Wolfdog Project
24874 Weeren Rd
Montgomery, TX 77316

For questions contact us at

Phone: (855) 897-9653